let’s start at the end

I’m 52. Three kids, two ex-wives, white-male, tall, english speaking middle class. (Whatever that means?)

I am right now experiencing the hangover that comes after a 10 year party. It’s epic. And I should know, I have had some stunners in the past.

The crash came fast, but unlike most accidents, I saw this one coming. It wasn’t an accident, it was over consumption of life’s treats. Sheer indulgence! Decadence! Gluttony! And I would do it all again.

When you start life with very little, and through sheer fear and determination, you reach those heights you looked up at – it’s hard not to indulge. Well it was for me.

If anybody reads this, you may get a little confused with time-lines, as I do not intend to have any. This blog is a random recollection of the good times. Maybe a few bad ones to give context.