The Sinclair Method

My recent ex-lover, a German Anaesthetist, sent me a link as part of her goodbye well-wishes. “The Sinclair Method” A revolutionary way to combat alcoholic addiction.

I’ve done my research. Met my Doctor to get the prescribed drug (Naltrexone) and tonight I am giving it a go.

Naltrexone is what Paramedics use for Heroin overdoses – It immediately kills the buzz. It stops the brains’ Opioid receptors from working. In the case of alcohol, it stops these receptors from attaching to the endorphins released from drinking.

I took a pill a couple of hours ago. A slight bit of nausea, and a vague headache….nothing much of either. One bottle of white wine later; everything is different. I don’t have that urge to guzzle. That need to pop down and by some spirits. The curiosity of what my cocaine dealer is up to tonight. That skin itching desire to just keep going until I pass out. I feel like what a normal non-alcoholic person supposedly feels like. A little tipsy, and thinking that might be enough to drink tonight.

Very fucking weird. I may get used to this.

(Stay-tuned on this one. I will let you know how it goes)